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The Hive Yacht Type1 [HIVE AI Luxury Yachts]

Creator: @ackza
The Hive Yacht, with signature red hexagon paintjob pattern and custom lucky Hive logo embedded into the side of the ship. Only 4 ever built.
Collection: Hive AI Luxury Yachts
Total Edition(s): 4
List Price: 20 SWAP.HIVE


ackzaackza539051Limited Reproduction 100 SWAP.HIVE ($20.169)
ackzaackza539062Limited Reproduction 100 SWAP.HIVE ($20.169)
ackzaackza539073Limited Reproduction 20 SWAP.HIVE ($4.034)
ackzaackza539084Limited Reproduction N/A

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results


Auction ID: d1877375410a85b3a7d7156575f80b8cd6976c0e by @ackza for edition #3 has expired
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@ackza created an auction for edition #3
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@ackza tokenized 4 editions
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