The Temperance card depicts a colorful peacock, representing the balance and harmony between opposites, such as the material and spiritual realms. Symbolizes a mediator, someone who can bring together conflicting energies and create a harmonious whole. The background of the card is a moon, symbolizing the ending of one phase and the beginning of a new one. The Temperance card encourages moderation, patience, and a peaceful approach to life. It reminds us to find a middle ground and avoid extremes in order to achieve balance and wholeness.
UPRIGHT: Represents balance, harmony, and self-control. It is a symbol of moderation, patience, and finding the middle path. The card suggests that you need to be patient and remain calm in order to achieve your goals.
REVERSE: May suggest a lack of balance and harmony in your life, and you may be feeling disconnected from your emotions or out of touch with your spiritual self. You may be struggling to find a middle ground and may be swinging between extremes, leading to feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction.