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The Hermit

Creator: @lucianaabrao
The Hermit card represents a journey of self-discovery and introspection and symbolizes the need to go within oneself in order to find answers and wisdom. UPRIGHT: Suggests a time of solitude and introspection, a retreat from the outside world to focus on one's inner guidance, seeking truth, reflection, and contemplation. REVERSE: Can indicate a fear of solitude or a reluctance to face one's inner truth. Suggests a need to reconnect with oneself, but an inability or unwillingness to do so. It may also indicate a fear of change or a lack of direction.
Collection: Nonsense Dreams
Total Edition(s): 10
List Price: 15 SWAP.HIVE


@lucianaabrao transferred edition #8 to @hivecollectibles
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@juliakponsford transferred edition #10 to @alienmuseum
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@vincearduaine bought edition #9 from @lucianaabrao for 10.000 SWAP.HIVE
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@juliakponsford bought edition #10 from @lucianaabrao for 10.000 SWAP.HIVE
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@lucianaabrao tokenized 10 editions
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