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"No Body (Missing Torso)" by RFY & FEH

Creator: @richardfyates
[Sculpting dough, ink, crayon, paper collage, with digital embellishments and color.] The granddaughter, Felicity, and I have made many different works of art. Sometimes, we bring many mediums together to create a MASH-UP! This poor creature, being assembled from parts, doesn't appear to have a torso (yet!) (Actually, this is as "finished" as the creature got, so...that's it!) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool) & Felicity Echo Hanson (Toddler Terror)
Collection: Post-Apocalypse ARTZ (on NFTS)
Total Edition(s): 1


@balte bought edition #1 from @richardfyates for 7.000 SWAP.HIVE
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@richardfyates tokenized 1 editions
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