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The Incomparable Hakuna Matata (Contains 1776 Characters)

We derive this unique gif-art from an image in the public domain; It showcases an ancient ritualistic human sacrifice, performed with the crude and barbaric tools of yesteryear, stunningly enhanced with various forms of glitch-art and subtle animation techniques. One day, Eris willing; We will look back and marvel at how far we have come along as a society. Today our mass sacrifices are muted, masked, and bathing in good intentions. You can help to stop global warming too. All you have to do is take the damned vaccine, for we must make way for the future generations to come. One can only speculate on the artist's headspace when the great Jedi Master Splinter of the Clan Macleod and the Bridge crew from the Star Ship Enterprise imbued unto it, the breath of life. The artists, many of HIVEs early pioneers, have a shared hope that this extra rare NFT will find a good home. May the odds of you grasping hold of this shining jewel be ever in your favor! A very special shout-out goes to Sarah Bellum and Hugh Morris for jointly penning the exhibit statement above. As a bonus, compliments of the artist(s), the unlockable herein contains a rare mystery gift for the first to claim ownership of this unique work.
Collection: Hakuna Matata
Total Edition(s): 1


@thoughts-in-time tokenized 1 editions
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