Artist with over 35 years' colourful career in multiple countries; visionary projects, collaborations and shows. *Banned from mainstream.* I Am a Scottish-born Living Woman, currently rooted in a magical Italian medieval quarter, in The Arthouse. I've been immersed in my Sovereign, unique visual language from my early teens, and have had shows, projects and presence in multiple countries. Recent years have seen my Art removed from most conventional channels, which is in many ways a great Blessing, as I'm connecting now with far more open-minded and forward-intentioned folks. My painting practise is more of a spiritual path than anything related to the commonly perceived (and hugely limiting) concepts about 'art'. I'm passionate about the primal Truth of our Co-Creative potential, individually and collectively. This is a most profoundly enriched time of Awakening and Liberating ourselves from bondage and restrictions: very exciting to be an Artist in this Life and Time!
Creations: 8
Volume: 0.000
Collected: 0
Volume: 0.000


Artwork owned by @clareartista.