Self-taught portrait, stencil, and doodle artist. My art is colorful, fun, full of interesting and quirky repetitive doodle patterns and motifs that are inspired by the vibrant and rich culture of my ethnic, the Iban of Sarawak (Malaysia Borneo). My art seeks to create a sense of joy and fun for those who see it. My art style is generally known as “doodle”. However, my work encompasses three different styles – zendoodling, stendoodling, and doodling art. However, I do not limit myself to one art style and on top of doodling, I enjoy drawing people’s portraits and stencil art. My subjects are animals, people, and plants. I gain inspiration from nature and simple daily events and moments.
Creations: 5
Volume: 0
Collected: 0
Volume: 0


Artwork owned by @coloringiship.