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Creator: @manclar
This art represents how I start to think about different things in life, how to create opportunities when there are none and how to overcome each of the challenges that are presented to me. The challenge in this drawing turned out to be inventing the different patterns in labyrinth shapes throughout the entire image, and making the image maintain general coherence. I am very satisfied with the result, what about you? This drawing is dedicated to my friend @enraizar, who spends his time thinking.
Collection: Thinking
Total Edition(s): 10
List Price: 105 SWAP.HIVE


@enraizar bought edition #7 from @manclar for 30.000 SWAP.HIVE
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@juliakponsford transferred edition #2 to @alienmuseum
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@nanixxx bought edition #5 from @manclar for 2.000 SWAP.HIVE
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@filoriologo bought edition #6 from @manclar for 2.000 SWAP.HIVE
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@cabetosag bought edition #3 from @manclar for 2.000 SWAP.HIVE
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@juliakponsford bought edition #2 from @manclar for 2.000 SWAP.HIVE
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@enraizar bought edition #1 from @manclar for 2.000 SWAP.HIVE
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@manclar tokenized 10 editions
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