Brian $LEFThouse Hilladigahackles McGuire is a filmmaker, musicmaker, NFTartMaker. He is the creator of $LEFT. $LEFT  is a social money token minted by the Roll Network by way of the Ethereum blockchain under the ERC20 standard.  Social money tokens such as $LEFT, are driven by the community. The lovers and supporters of $LEFT are what makes the token go round. The way we see it and believe it to be, if you grow, then we grow. $LEFT is made by Filmmakers, Musicians, and Artists who want to help other Filmmakers, Musicians, and Artists. This is the sole reason we created $LEFT, and we have come up with a handful of ways to help the $LEFT community right away. LEFThouse is also the host of The Upland Action News
Creations: 1
Volume: 20.000
Collected: 0
Volume: 0


Artwork owned by @hilladigahackles.