A passioned photographer for over 10 years. I would describe my style as abstract, dreamy and unconventional. The whole journey started with long exposure and then evolved into lightpainting. After my intense lightpainting years, I started doing double and multible exposures. Here and there I produce some animated images as well. Motto: Art helps to communicate and understand without words. In a world where words are no longer valued as desirable, images speak clearly. My main goal is to reach people with my art and share some perspectives I would have not found without photography. Basicly sharing what photography gives me with you. And it is fascinating what a good image can trigger. Just as much as a familiar smell, it can bring back memories, bring you to a place you forrgot about, make you remember that special moment you had, lets you imagine a bright future and inspire you to dream again. It is a wonderfull world out there. It shows us new wonders every day. It is up to us where we focus on. A perspective changes throughout our life as we take action to change knowlage into wissdom. This is true power. Thank you for having a look. Sandy Meyer
Creations: 13
Volume: 150.000
Collected: 0
Volume: 0


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